Reverse mortgage info
Manufactured homes and mobile homes can qualify for a reverse mortgage. There are a few basic requirements to qualify for a reverse mortgage and access your home’s equity. First, the homeowner must be at least 62 years old. Second, the manufactured home/mobile home must be built after 1977 and must not have been moved to a new location from the original set-up location. Third, most banks require the mobile home/manufactured home to have an FHA/VA-approved tie-down system installed under the metal framing of the house. A tie-down system on a manufactured home/mobile home helps protect and stabilize the house in high winds. This tie-down system must then be approved and certified by a State of Arizona licensed engineer.
We work with engineers who approve the tie-down systems we install. With an FHA/VA-approved tie-down system the mobile home or manufactured home will be considered “real property” compared to “personal property.” A bank can give a mortgage loan on real property. The bank's underwriting department will have the final say in whether the house will qualify as well as if there are any other qualifications you must meet. We have been in business for over 30 years and have installed hundreds of these systems all over the state of Arizona. We can refer you to a manufactured home/mobile home reverse mortgage expert who has done this for many years for Arizona residents. They will walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you might have and can tell you the likelihood of your home qualifying for this type of loan. There is no cost to get information. Talk to an expert and see if your home qualifies.
If you are a homeowner, buyer, or mortgage broker looking to proceed with a reverse mortgage for a manufactured home/mobile home, please contact Superior Home Pros AZ, LLC for your tie-down needs. We are experts and can assist with inspections and tie-downs and refer you to a reverse mortgage expert who understands how to work through the unique process when dealing with a manufactured home/mobile home.